They Said I'd Never Read Above A 4th Grade Level


Well, I don't know what you're talking about. That shrink, she was taking care of kids, like, with difficulty, like you. So eventually she called us and she said, you need to understand and you need to accept the fact that Lee, your son, will never be able to read and write over the level of fourth grade.


I think she was right.

You should have listened to her. 

You're basically an adult by fourth grade.


And she wanted to have you in that class. I said, no way, Jose.



Her name was Jose?


I said, no way, Jose. I, I took a private, uh, help at home. And we went to a school, private school, that will put you separately in different class in your level. And, and, and eventually, look. You sent, you sent a hundred requests for college and eventually one came through with saying, we accept you. Maybe later, ma, many of them.

But you decided to do,


I only sent one Arizona one request.


And, and you immediately got the I


I only, I only wanted to go to Arizona, remember? 'cause I went to visit it and I loved it. Yeah. I didn't send a hundred.


well we sent out a lot of applications.


Cool. well, glad I learned how to read. and glad I got into college.  and glad you remember everything so well.

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